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Adult Faith Groups

Faith Groups exist for the purpose of building community through prayer, fellowship, and studying God’s word together.

Women’s Ministry

Faith Women hosts bible studies and events throughout the year. Each gathering creates space for women to know Christ, grow together, serve others, and go to their neighbors and the nations.

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry hosts a weekly bible study, a monthly breakfast, and an annual retreat so they can know Christ, grow together, serve others and go to their neighbors and the nations.

College, 18-25

The College Ministry meets together on Sunday Evenings and for events each month.

Legacy Ministry

Adults 55 and over (don’t worry, no one checks IDs) are invited to participate in our Legacy Ministry which has a goal of creating a legacy of making disciples for the next generation.


Adult Groups

Adult Faith Groups

Faith Groups are an integral part of our mission to make disciples who KNOW, GROW, SERVE, and GO. These small groups provide a place for people to grow together through fellowship, prayer, and Bible Study. Feel free to visit one group this week and another next week, but we pray you’ll quickly join a group that leads to lasting community.

Each group is listed by meeting time, its name (usually the leader’s last name), demographic, average group size, and location.

Childcare is provided for all groups that meet on Sundays during our 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 AM times. Learn more about Faith Kids here.

SUNDAYS at 8:00 AM

Jeffries Faith Group

Demographic: 30’s-60’s, Avg. Group Size: 15-20, Location: Rm. 116

E. Smith Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 5-10, Location: Rm. 112

SUNDAYS at 9:30 AM

Austin-Walter Faith Group

Demographic: Women Only, Avg. Group Size: 10-20, Location: Rm. 119

Avent Faith Group

Demographic: 20’s-40’s, Avg. Group Size: 10-15, Location: Rm. 215

Barron Faith Group

Demographic: 30’s-70’s, Avg. Group Size: 40-45, Location: Rm. 216

Butler Faith Group

Demographic: 50’s-70’s+, Avg. Group Size: 55-60, Location: Rm. 118

Discover Together Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 10-20, Location: Rm. 117

Engelman Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 10-20, Location: Room 229

Garner Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 20-30, Location: Modular 2

Hammett Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 30-35, Location: Rm. 116

Jones Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 20-25, Location: Rm. 107

Madsen Faith Group

Demographic: 30’s-60’s, Avg. Group Size: 10-15, Location: Rm. 219

McKneely Faith Group

Demographic: 20’s-60’s+, Avg. Group Size: 15-20, Location: Rm. 120

Six-Cook Faith Group

Demographic: 30’s-40’s, Avg. Group Size: 25-30, Location: Modular 1

St. John Faith Group

Demographic: Men Only, Avg. Group Size: 5-10, Location: Rm. 217

Stevens Faith Group

Demographic: 30’s-60’s+, Avg. Group Size: 20-25, Location: Rm. 112

Wilson Faith Group

Demographic: Couples Only, 30’s-50’s, Avg. Group Size: 15-25, Location: Rm. 224

SUNDAYS at 11:00 AM

Borger Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 35-40, Location: Rm. 107

Gonzales Faith Group

Demographic: Young Couples, 20’s-30’s, Avg. Group Size: 8-10, Location: Rm. 219

Kenny Faith Group

Demographic: 50’s-70’s+, Avg. Group Size: 10-15, Location: Rm. 120

Lynch Faith Group

Demographic: 50’s-60’s+, Avg. Group Size: 10-20, Location: Rm. 116

McRoy Faith Group

Demographic: 30’s-40’s, Avg. Group Size: 10-20, Location: Rm. 118

Sandford Faith Group

Demographic: 18+, Avg. Group Size: 5-10, Location: Rm. 112

West Faith Group

Demographic: 40’s-60’s+, Avg. Group Size: 20-25, Location: Rm. 216

Yates Faith Group

Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 10-15, Location: Rm. 217


College Faith Group

Meeting Time: Sundays at 12:30 PM, Demographic: College Students, 18-25, Avg. Group Size: 20-30, Location: Rm. 118, No Childcare, Lunch Cost: $5

McVeigh Faith Group

Meeting Time: Sundays at 4:30 PM, Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 15-20, Location: Off-Campus, email for address, Childcare Provided

Arrowood Faith Group

Meeting Time: Sundays at 5:00 PM, Demographic: 20’s-30’s, Avg. Group Size: 5-10, Location: Rm. 118

White Faith Group

Meeting Time: Sundays at 6:30 PM, Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 10-15, Location: email for address, Kids Welcome

Lawrence Faith Group

Meeting Time: Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 15-20, Location: Franklinton, email for address, Kids Welcome

Dohm-Ayers Faith Group

Meeting Time: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM, Demographic: All Ages, Avg. Group Size: 15-20, Location: Franklinton, email for address, Childcare Provided

Whitney-Shugart Faith Group

Meeting Time: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM, Demographic: Couples Only, Avg. Group Size: 10-12, Location: Rm. 107, Childcare Provided

Young Adults Faith Group

Meeting Time: Thursdays at 6:30 PM, Demographic: Singles Only, 20’s-30’s, Avg. Group Size: 15-20, Location: Wake Forest, email for address, No Childcare

P. Smith Faith Group

Meeting Time: Thursdays at 7:00 PM, Demographic: 20’s-30’s, Avg. Group Size: 5-10, Location: Wake Forest, email for address

Pope Faith Group

Meeting Time: Fridays at 7:00 AM, Demographic: Men Only, Location: Worship Center Lobby

Adult D-Groups

D-Groups are small groups of 3-5 believers of the same gender who meet together for discipleship and accountability. These groups form organically from our Faith Groups and most D-groups use our Bible reading plan as the basis for their time in God’s Word each week.

More Bible Reading Plan Resources

Our Bible Reading Plan page is full of introductory videos for each book and book basics guides to help you understand the Bible as we go.

Adult Core Classes


Core Classes are designed to increase your knowledge of God’s Word, key doctrines, and spiritual habits. These classes reflect the core of what every growing disciple should know as we are on mission to make disciples who know Christ, grow together, serve others, and go to our neighbors and the nations.

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM | January 15 - March 26



Mastering Your Money

“No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24). Christians are called to serve their master, Jesus Christ, exclusively. Therefore, we learn to master our money as faithful stewards of all God’s given us. This class will cover biblical passages on money, budgeting, ethical issues, investing, estate planning, and more!

Taught by Harry Nelson

Open to ALL

Location: Rm. 116



1 Corinthians: Victory in a Messy World

In a world full of challenges, from personal struggles to cultural pressures, this study will ask: Are we influencing the world, or is the world influencing us? Together, we’ll address issues like judging others, handling conflict, navigating marriage, and discovering the true purpose of our gifts. Through it all, we’ll learn what it means to live in the world but not be of it, standing firm in the hope of Christ’s resurrection. Don’t miss this chance to grow in love, truth, and victory through God’s Word!

Taught by Jeff Brown

Open to ALL

Location: Rm. 118



Theology 201

Theology 201 is a practical discipleship course designed for everyday believers, building on core theological concepts and how they apply to daily Christian living. This class aims to deepen understanding of foundational doctrines and equip participants to engage their faith with confidence and clarity.

*This course will continue where Theology for Non-Seminarians left off, addressing the topics of the person and work of Christ, salvation, the Holy Spirit, the church and the doctrine of last things (eschatology).

Taught by Dr. John Hammett

Open to ALL

Location: Modular 1



Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom

Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as Revelation. This study will help you know how the last book of the Bible - the culmination of God’s great story - speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

Led by Carlyn Rich & Emily Harrison

Cost is $10

Open to Women

Location: Modular 2



Caregiving for Traumatized Children

Are you a caregiver to foster children or an adoptive parent? Are you raising a child who may have experienced a trauma? If so, join us beginning Wednesday, January 15, for a course offered by Faith Member Amy Wilson, the Director of Education for Crisis Care Training International (CCTI). This course will provide an understanding of the impact that trauma-produced losses have on the life of a child. We will also discuss various effective intervention principles that promote healing and facilitate closure through a Christian-focused approach. This 16-week course will be free, and childcare will be provided.

*Please note: CCTI will record this course and make it available for public use.

Led by Amy Wilson

Dates of Class: January 15 - May 14

Open to ALL

Location: Rm. 112



Intro to Missions

Jesus commanded us, “Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt 28:19). This class will explore the theological foundations of missions, learn about the challenges and opportunities in cross-cultural ministry, and engage with the history of missionary movements. Intro to Missions is a great first step toward going to our neighbors and the nations with the Gospel!

Led by Dr. Keelan Cook

Open to ALL

Location: Rm. 120

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We exist to lead and equip women at Faith as they know, grow, serve, and go.

Upcoming Faith Women Events

  • Austin-Walter Faith Group: Sundays | 9:30 AM | Room 119

    Studying God’s Word verse-by-verse, with an emphasis on applying Biblical truth in ways that are relevant to women’s everyday lives, this class seeks to come alongside and encourage women to grow deeply and live out their faith vibrantly.

    For more information, or to join our class, contact Mary Austin.

  • Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM | January 15 - March 26

    Revelations: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom

    Perhaps no other book of the Bible feels as inaccessible and as intimidating to us as Revelation. This study will help you know how the last book of the Bible - the culmination of God’s great story - speaks both a steadying word of assurance and a strong call to endure to the church in every age.

    Cost: $10

    Led by Carlyn Rich & Emily Harrison


  • Community Bible Studies

    Bible Study Fellowship: Tuesday’s beginning September 12 7:00PM-8:30PM. Click here for more info. This semester we'll be studying the Gospel of John. Click here to download free lessons. Contact Shannon Streit for additional info.

    Community Bible Study: Thursday’s beginning September 7 – 9:30AM-11:30AM. This year we’ll be studying 1 and 2 Samuel, Ruth, and Ephesians. Click here for more info.

  • Offered every semester in a Faith member’s home to provide a fun time to get to know other Faith Women.

  • A new episode releases on the first Wednesday of every month. Never miss a podcast by subscribing on Apple Podcasts or Spotify!


Men's Ministry

  • Sundays | 9:30 AM | Room 217

    Fridays | 7:00 AM | Worship Center Lobby

  • Mondays | 7:00 PM | Room 214 (Upstairs)

    Beginning with worship through music, then Ken Fuhrer leads us on an in-depth study of the Bible, followed by small-group discussion that allows us to apply the truths from Scripture and to recognize issues that men face.

  • 2nd Saturday each month | 8:00 AM | Kid's Gym

    Enjoy a great free breakfast, Biblical teaching on men’s issues, fellowship, updates on projects, and resources for men’s issues.

  • Hosted in the fall.


We exist to equip and mobilize disciple-making leaders who Know, Grow, Serve, and Go.

College Faith Group

College (Ages 18-25)

Sundays at 12:30 PM. Room 118.

We will serve lunch for $5 per person and share in a time of fellowship and Bible Study.


Legacy Ministry

Adults 55 and over (don’t worry, no one checks IDs) are invited to participate in our Legacy Ministry which has a goal of creating a legacy of making disciples for the next generation.

  • Thursday Morning Prayer: The main focus will be on spending time praying for our church, our leaders, our members, and our community. We'll enjoy a time of fellowship and a safe environment for friends.

  • Legacy Breakfast: Every month we'll gather together for breakfast and fellowship. Some meals will be free and others may have a minimal cost associated with them.

    We will take a break from our Legacy Breakfast during the summer months.

  • Be on the lookout for special quarterly events like movie night, ice cream socials and serving opportunities. All Legacy Ministry events will be posted here and on our Events page.

    • Go Serve Week

    • March for Life

    • Trips

    • Topical Speakers

Prayer Ministry

Prayer Opportunities

  • Ladies Prayer Gathering: Wednesdays, 9:30 AM, Room 120

  • Thursday Morning Prayer: Thursday mornings at 9:00 AM, Worship Center

  • Worship Gathering Prayer: Sundays during worship, Room 114

Download a Weekly Prayer Guide

ACTS Prayer Resource

We want to assist you in cultivating a prayer life that helps you draw near to God. One way of doing that is using the acronym ACTS, which will aid you in developing a balanced prayer life. It’s not a formula for praying but rather a guide to help you keep focused on your relationship with God and communicating with Him in a way that encourages intimacy.

  • Adoration is simply focusing on who God is and expressing awe and worship. Sometimes this is the hardest thing for us to do, but it is a necessary part of praying, because it focuses us on who God is and gives us the opportunity to make much of Him. When we pray, it is essential that we know who we are talking to.

  • Confession is our response to the uncovering of who we are and what we have done. When we step into the light of God's greatness, we recognize how we fall short of His glory. Confession is a great privilege because it allows us to lay hold of the cleansing and forgiveness offered to us in Jesus. We may walk in filthy, but we can leave cleansed and forgiven.

  • Thanksgiving is a humble response to the generosity of God, acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from Him. In spite of who we are and what we have done, God has been and continues to do us good. Thanksgiving recognizes that we are and all we have is because of Him. Gratitude puts us in the right frame of mind to ask because it leads us to consider what God has done and what He is able to do.

  • Supplication is just the practice of asking. Jesus told us to ask, but He also modeled for us an asking that submissive and surrendered. He delights to give and bless. Asking glorifies Him. Asking humbles us. Asking opens the door for greater faith and draws us deep into the arms of our good God whose faithfulness and love never end.
